The 2015 avian flu outbreak was the most costly animal health disaster in US history, costing the government approximately $1 billion in removal and disposal costs (AP news 2022). The crisis also resulted in a significant spike in the price of eggs, chicken, and other bird-based products, as the availability of these items reduced as more birds were slaughtered or died as a result of the pandemic (AP News 2022). Despite the fact that bird flu has not been prominent in recent years, recent outbreaks that have killed or forced the death of over 100,000 turkeys in the last three days have raised severe concerns among government authorities and farmers who fear a recurrence of 2015. (IndyStar 2022). SteraMist should be deployed into present bird farms to protect against the robust bird flu and prevent a widespread national outbreak.

The Ability to Break the Pattern.

The bird flu virus is currently disseminated via “wild bird droppings [that are] brought into commercial flocks on the feet of workers or on equipment,” therefore adequate disinfection of both equipment and clothing is critical to reduce or stop the virus’s transmission (AP News 2022). The avian influenza virus has been known to spread by contact with birds and their droppings, feathers, intestines, and blood in the past.

SteraMist technology provides cutting-edge disinfection with great efficacy against a wide range of microbes and the ability to achieve a high log kill in a timely way. SteraMist can protect bird farms from the present outbreak with a short aeration period, avoiding a lengthy shutdown. Furthermore, SteraMist is non-corrosive and has improved material compatibility, allowing it to be employed without worry of damage on the technology and equipment used in bird farms.

The disinfectant SteraMist was used to inhibit the spread of avian flu.

SteraMist has proven to be a successful weapon in combating the bird flu pandemic, and it could mean the difference between repeating 2015 and defeating it. Although viruses and other microbials can be unexpected in terms of when they cause disasters, one thing is certain: SteraMist’s efficiency and protection. Rather than culling the birds, apply SteraMist to the affected area.

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